Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College: Carlton Center Renovation & Fine Arts Building Addition

Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College: Carlton Center Renovation & Fine Arts Building Addition

Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College




Tifton, GA


April 2018 - October 2021

Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College’s (ABAC) Carlton Center, constructed in 1989, has approximately 61,000 square feet and was renovated to consolidate learning resources and student services into one location at the center of the campus. This consolidation is helping increase student use of the building and reduce the institution’s overall cost of operations.

The construction of a new 24,000 square foot Fine Arts Building allows the Fine Arts programs to move to one location. This project provides a home to the school’s Music program and will enhance relationships with the community as well as continue to attract students and their families to Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College.

Services Performed

Abbeville Commissioning performed commissioning in the Design, Construction, and Warranty phases. The specific systems commissioned include:

  • Mechanical systems
  • HVAC control systems
  • Plumbing systems
  • Electrical systems